What Is the Best Painkiller for Spinal Stenosis?

What Is the Best Painkiller for Spinal Stenosis?

Individuals who have spinal stenosis pain find it difficult to perform routine activities. A majority of these individuals are above 50.However, there are a number of

Non-surgical treatment options such as drugs or medications and therapeutic spinal injections, according to the seriousness of your symptoms. By managing these symptoms, you can reduce swelling, pain, and other indications caused by nerve compression. Patients' complaints may be removed with pain relieving drugs and physical therapies. Preventative approaches by pain management in Dallas such as exercise and prescription free medications, are mostly suggested prior to surgery.

How is Spinal Stenosis Diagnosed?

Your healthcare experts will analyze your medical history, enquire about symptoms and perform a physical exam. It may include pressing the spine by feeling different areas to see what area is hurting. Also, they will examine different bending positions and associated symptoms of pain.

The healthcare providers may also ask imaging tests to “see” your spine and assess the exact area, extent and phase of the problem. These imaging tests may include:

  • X-ray

X-rays produce a small amount of radiation and exhibit alterations in bone structure. For instance, they can diagnose a loss of disk portion or bone spurs.

  • MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) utilizes radio waves along with a powerful magnet to generate cross-sectional pictures of your spine. MRI offers detailed pictures of your nerves, spinal cord and disks. It can identify any tumors also.

  • CT-Scan

A computed tomography (CT) scan is a combined technique that creates cross-sectional pictures of your spine. A CT myelogram utilizes a contrast dye color to facilitate your health experts that may see spinal cord easily.

Best Medicines For Spinal Stenosis

If you think what is the best painkiller for spinal stenosis then Pain physicians in Dallas might recommend following:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Antidepressants.

  • Anti-seizure drugs such as gabapentin

  • Opioids such as oxycodone and hydrocodone

What are the Best Muscle Relaxants for Spinal Stenosis?

The best muscle relaxant for spinal stenosis pain can differ according to the individual patient. However, the best options for this treatment include methocarbamol, baclofen and cyclobenzaprine.

  • Cyclobenzaprine

Cyclobenzaprine eliminates muscle spasms as a result of musculoskeletal conditions by collaborating with the brain and affecting muscle hyperactivity. It may be recommended in individuals with lumbar spinal stenosis to decrease pain and enhance function. Unfortunately, cyclobenzaprine’s effectiveness decreases after two to three weeks of administration.

However, associated side effects of cyclobenzaprine consist of clumsiness, dry mouth, unsteadiness,confusion, fainting, dry mouth, drowsiness, constipation, heartburn and nausea.

  • Baclofen

An antispastic drug, baclofen is widely administered to treat muscle contractions in spinal cord disorders, like lumbar spinal stenosis. Among the medications, It’s FDA-approved to manage symptoms of muscle spasms due to spinal conditions. By affecting the spinal nerves, baclofen alleviates pain, by improving muscular motion, along with loosening of stiff muscles.

The most general side effects of baclofen consist of dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, nausea, difficulty sleeping, headache, and more frequent urination with constipation.

  • Methocarbamol

Methocarbamol stops pain signals towards the brain that provide relief from muscle spasms and pain. It has a reduced sedating impact and lower chances of damage when recorded in comparison to muscle relaxers.

Common side effects associated with methocarbamol consist of drowsiness, stomach upset,dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, blurred vision, vomiting, headaches, and blurred vision.

How Do You Prevent Spinal Stenosis From Getting Worse?

Several preventive measures by pain physicians in Dallas include following:

  • Avoid movements and exercises that strain the spine.

  • Focus on low-impact activities to maintain mobility, muscle strength and flexibility.

  • Work on improving your posture, because proper posture eliminates extra strain on the spinal structure and tissues.

  • Avoid smoking and having nicotine products, because nicotine decreases the blood flow towards your spine.

  • Follow a healthy life, with appropriate weight maintenance.

  • Perform gentle stretches to avoid muscle tension, as it worsens spinal stenosis pain.

What Is the Best Home Remedy For Spinal Stenosis?

Spinal stenosis has no cure till date, but home remedies can facilitate reduction of pain and enhance quality of life.

  • Rest

An important part of spinal stenosis treatment is to rest gradually and eliminate extra stress on the muscles of the back or neck.

  • Exercise

Physical therapists introduce stretches and exercises particular to lumbar, thoracic or cervical, spinal stenosis that eliminates pain, stabilizes the spine and strengthens muscles.

  • Lose Excess Weight

Extra weight exerts stress on the spine. Shredding excess weight will stabilize the spine rather than resolving the nerve compression.

  • Maintain Good Posture

Postural awareness is an important part of spinal stenosis management. Bad posture exerts abnormal strain on the spinal bones and often leads to nerve compression. An expert like a physical therapist can develop good techniques to stabilize the spine along with reducing spinal stenosis pain.

  • Use Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers

In case of severe pain, over-the-counter pain relievers have proved to be effective.


It's a serious situation to cure spinal stenosis, however, there are few things you can follow to manage the condition on your own, under your doctor's guidance. You can follow an active lifestyle by following these things. Spinal stenosis management usually consists of painkillers and people have questions about what is the best painkiller for spinal stenosis. You can get answers when you visit a doctor,so never try to self-prescribe medicines as these could have bad effects on health.

Nonsurgical options such as pain medication and physical therapeutic techniques have proven to relax indications of mild spinal stenosis.